Sunday, July 09, 2006

I love it when the Bible uses exclamation marks!!!!

Hey all avid readers, if there are any left. Figured I should let u know whats going on.

I'm currently packing to go to NZ with Mum and Will - they're going for 2 weeks, but I'll be back on Saturday. The snow is great there at the moment, and its pretty exciting, and we'll get to see my friend Kirsty's new baby! However, I think that I might be missed a little more than usual, as I am now leaving a new boyfriend at home to miss me! Although, he will be away at MYC for most of the time, there will no doubt be missing going on already. [If people want details, u can contact me, so I know how far the details are spreading, because there are a few sneaky people who read and don't comment, *cough* Karthik, *cough*] And its not "phone-number-boy" for those who were wondering either...

So I get back from NZ, then go to AnCon on Monday, which I'm fairly excited about, though again - more missing (aren't I horrible to be going away!) My last AnCon, as a student anyway. Exciting, yet a little sad at the same time, just realising that I'm old now, and all the new friends that I make at AnCon, well, I won't be seeing them round campus next semester.

I'll be home for a week, and then am going down to perisher skiing for 5 days with Emma, Sean, Julia, Mick and Sean's sister Rebecca - should be a great way to finish off my month of holidays. Mum asked me the other day what its like to be a lady of leisure now? Its pretty good at the moment, except for the lingering pressure to get a job when the fun is all over.

I'll let u know how things go... if I can be bothered, and send u a post-card if u tell me your address!

Just on the side as well, I'm majorly missing bananas at the moment. I was joking the other day that I'd look back and remember in my youth "the great banana shortage of 2006", I used to have one like every day, and I'm just missing the fruit - having to revert to oranges n things, crazy! There are still bananas around though, but they're not as nice as they used to be, and are fairly expensive, so they don't get bought as regularly... I just miss seeing the yellow in the fruit-bowl I guess.


soniatherese said...

Hey KT, First of all: OOOOOOOOOOooooooHHHHHH!!!!

second of all: I thought I had a busy holidays time thingy. NZ sounds awesome!

Third of all: I'll miss you too, even though I'm not a new boyfriend.

Fourth of all: I just ate about a thousand MM's so I may vomit.

Love ya!!

oatleygirl said...

Thanks for missing me too Sonia!
I don't reccomend eating that many M&M's either! I wonder why they're called that... if u think about it M & M in roman numerals would mean thousand and thousand (remember all those adds around the millenium!) so maybe you are meant to eat a thousand of them!?!?
Probably not good for your stomach though... the inside or the outside!

Anonymous said...

hee hee, i know who he is.....