Tuesday, May 23, 2006

thoughts of the day

So my dad's cousin (we shall call him Cuz... everyone else does) from North Queensland is staying with us tonight. If I had blogged for more than a few months, here is where I would leave a link to a previous explanation of one of his last visits here, where he brought his new girlfriend and they "knew each other" on our fold-out sofa... which happens to be rather near my bedroom door unfortunately (silly people, who does that??)

Needless to say, I'm thankful that its just him this time (I think Buddy might be too... if you know the story). Nice guy, except for the awkwardness associated with that previous trip. Anyway, his son is like 15 or so, and Cuz came home (on a school day!) to find a sheepish looking son, and a girl hiding in his wardrobe when he went to put the ironing away. As much as I would never advocate under-age, and unmarried sex, yet realise it happens all the time - I thought it was pretty funny that he got his own back there.

On a completely unrelated note, has anyone else noticed the change in paper-towels in the bathrooms at uni?? Just this last week. They're much softer than the old style, but don't absorb as much or something like that, because I seem to need two, when in the past I'd just use one, and I hate using more than necescary (particularly when it affects the environment). I guess I could just wipe my hands on my pants though... but thats not the funnest thing to do when its freezing outside! How cold was it today?? Hope this means more snow!

1 comment:

cardboardsword said...

eeek... yeah, silly's an apt word, if not a little tame! And I guess you reap what you sow!

yeah I noticed too. they're not as tough, which annoys me - more like a tissue than the old ones were, and just not up to the task...