Sunday, May 07, 2006

Party night
All dressed up
living it up
down a few
Empty's everywhere
midnight munchis
loud singing
too much for some
unrestrained dancing
regretful moments
panda eyes
morning headaches
greasy breakfast

No - I didn't go clubbing, or on a big bender, neither did my brother have all his mates over for a piss-up. Mum's 50th "surprise" party, which she knew all about (dad doesn't quite get the idea...) Old(er) people are able to drink it up as much as the young ones... and do all the same silly things, just in older-person style. What a crazy human race we are that for most people a good time is getting sloshed so that we can numb our pain and be desentised to the reality of this world.

Apart from a few people having a few too many, and being a rather late night - it was a pretty good party. Mum really enjoyed it and heaps of people put in a real effort so that she did (and thankfully she wasn't one of the ones with a massive headache thismorning)

Our family's had an 18th, 21st ad 50th in the past year... I hope there's no other big parties coming up, I don't think the dog can cope...


soniatherese said...

I love your dog. He's so sweet.

Mick said...

your dog tried to bite me at your birthday party.... I agree - no more parties.

Anonymous said...

Katie 80's dog seems to have a predisposition to dislike/distrust certain males.. thats would probably explain the biting. He doesn't like Drew very much.

Meanwhile I love Buddy. If it were legal I would marry Buddy's dogginess, just like Roger Federers tennis ability or a turkey sandwich's tastiness... all abstract but highly desirable qualities.

Oh and btw Kt80, you nicked my latest saying... :) Emma can confirm it too.. "thats a lie, and you know it!"

Luv toRi

oatleygirl said...

yeah... Buddy doesn't seem to like the big tall guys much... All boys must pass the Buddy test as well as the parent test in this house!

you're right Tori - I have stolen part of your vernacular and made it my own - you're just so influential!!

Also - I still have your birthday present, must get that to you sometime, or you'll end up getting it for Christmas!