Saturday, May 20, 2006

Dating Season

There are now 3...
Dating Season is now complete
more details to come later

all new couples must wait a few months for the next season to start unfortunately, so keep those hormones in check for a few more months. I predict the next season to be shortly after Annual Conference/July Holidays.


cardboardsword said...

who is the third? hmmm... you baffle me with your relationship stuff just as I baffled you about the same thing... sneaky.

oatleygirl said...


cardboardsword said...

no.... surely it isn't... please tell me that that which we all have suspected and teased about for so long hasn't actually happened...

oatleygirl said...

umm, I don't know what you're talking about Iain...
but the answer is probably no, your suspicions are totally wrong.

oatleygirl said...

haha... this is an interesting turn of events. The 3rd couple I had which rounded off the dating season, is not the true third couple, which I just found out. But infact they were a bit of a coincidental decoy or something - like in Charlie and the chocolate factory, how there was that dude who said he won the ticket and everyone thought that the 5 were found, but infact it wasn't true, and everyone relaxed and then Charlie found it. Well - Charlie has his ticket now, and its a much more complete trio of couples which rounds off this dating season. I didn't really think that it made much sense that the guy who lives around the corner (but goes to other-Oatley church!) made a likely 3rd... but I was just so eager to find the 3rd... it always happens!

Congratulations to all three couples!! You know who you are, and I bet some of you were all hell surprised that I seemed to know about it before you did!

cardboardsword said...

yeah, turns out my suspicions were completely off!

3 is a round number, but sometimes 4 is necessary, but then sometimes 4 implies the need for 5... my point is, who says it's over?

That said, I haven't noticed much else going on... not much...

Mick said...

I'm both confused... and not in the loop at all... this makes for much unfairness :(
Someone fill me in please :)?